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How-To Guides to Create a Website using Open Source and Free to Use Tools

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Guides to Create a Website using Open Source and Free to Use Tools

Welcome to our How-To page! If there is any page on this website that you really need to bookmark, this is it. There is a wealth of helpful information here for you to begin your application development journey. We have done most of the work for you, so that you can begin coding your web application from start to finish straight away. You should spend some time to read the information we have made available to save more time. We organized three main sections below into categories to make it easier for you to find specific documentation about the type of application that you want to create.

All three sections are contained in collapsible items below, you will need to expand each one to see additional information. The first section starts things off with the basics, the beginner stages to preparing for web application development. The stages are named appropriately in this section: Goals, Planning, and Tools, you can view the documentation of each stage by clicking on individual buttons in the section. The second section, goes a little deeper, it compliments the first section, in that, it helps you with Download, Reference, and Installation stages, the next phase of your application development journey. The last section completes the whole process, it dives into Configuration, Programming, and Deployment of your new website. If you make it this far, you are an accomplished web designer and developer.

Yeah, we know! our optimism is infectious... we obviously don't want you to think that it will all be a walk in the park. There could be some unknowns preventing you from completing your tasks to fully develop your first web application and running it in your browser. If your integrated development environment (IDE) is not properly configured, that could be your first obstacle to getting things off the ground. Or, if you did not follow our instructions properly, you could end up spending an untold number of hours troubleshooting your code, in some cases, you may have to throw away what you've worked on to start anew. Lastly, if you are not a patient person, then programming or application development is not for you. You will need to take your time to get it right. Since you are still reading this, we assume you are ready to continue on this adventure. So, start reading, and go build yourself a website!

Scroll to View Sections to Begin...

Website Development - Basic Sites[PDF] [Web]
Website Development - Data Sites[PDF] [Web]
Website Development - Social Sites[PDF] [Web]

Goal and Objective #1:

Showcase personal achievements
You possess a specific or unique talent and you want to showcase your knowledge, qualifications, and purpose... create a website to promote yourself.

A website helps to quickly showcase your work or talent: Any type of creativity can be displayed on your website. You can create and online portfolio to include everything you have worked on, or projects you have for the future; whether it be your writing, artwork, photography, clothing, or any product, as an artist, there are many perks to a website, and you do not have to be an Internet expert to get started.

Goal and Objective #2:

Increase visibility in the markletplace
Catalog your best work in written materials, pictures, and videos, make them accessible on your website, draw attention to your professional content.

Your Employment Potential May Increase: Prospective employers often assess candidates by what is on their websites. The quality of your content and portfolio makes an impression that can get you hired. A headhunter may happen to stumble upon your site and make an offer. Whether you are looking for work or would like to someday switch jobs, think ahead, because building your own website may lead to opportunities you never expected. A page with your resume or a link to it is a good idea too.

Goal and Objective #3:

Create own future, Be your own boss
Build a business from the ground up, get out of your comfort zone, manage a team, supply goods and services.

You Can Be an Instant Entrepreneur: Starting a business online is not an expensive proposition. Assuming you have a computer and an Internet connection, the only parts of the equation left are a website and a means to collect earnings. You can effectively run a small business out of your bedroom. Using your website, you can also:

  • (1) Promote products and services to millions of people worldwide.
  • (2) Impress prospects and clients with your knowledge.
  • (3) Compete with larger businesses in your market.
  • (4) Collect profits from the services you provide.
  • (5) Communicate with customers, gauge their satisfaction, and help meet their needs.
A website is one of the most affordable ways to implement customer support. Adding an FAQ page to your content will give your customers insights they didn't have before. You could also integrate a ticketing system that simplifies the support process. At the very least, have a contact form so customers can get in touch for any reason.

Goal and Objective #4:

Bring existing business online
You have a successful business store front on main street, spread the word on the Internet, build a web store, complete with a responsive shopping cart.

Knowledge Can Be Expanded: Content is still an important aspect of any website. Adding great content means you may write about unfamiliar topics, which is effective for learning. Writing provides an opportunity to do research. You can therefore learn a great deal about niche topics. Website creation lets you leverage a strategy that reinforces lifelong learning.

Goal and Objective #5:

Market your technical abilities to the public
You know yourself more than everyone in your field, this is your opportunity to prove to the world, better yet, yourself, what you are able to do with your current skills.

You Can Amp Up Creativity: Making your own website helps express and inspire creativity. A webmaster may commit to uploading a certain amount of content each week or month, or be driven to be more productive. This is so for writers, painters, musicians, and any other kind of artist. Creating art becomes part of developing the website, and vice versa.

Goal and Objective #6:

Add emerging platforms/technologies to your repertoire
Researching and trying new ways to advance your knowledge in technology, providing quality content on your website through a blog, by regularly adding new information, marketing your knowledge through the website you built from the ground up, comes with great rerewards.

You Can Grow And Promote Your Work Easily In A Blog: A website is the perfect medium for integrating a blog. If the template supports frequent updates, blog entries can be added directly. Provide a direct link to an outside blog, and your visitors may be inspired by what you have to say. WordPress, for example, avoids the dilemma of how to make your own website because it provides a place to set up your blog, complete with themes and plugins. Having your own blog will also:
  • (1) Improve your writing skills
  • (2) Have better listings on Google
  • (3) Help other people with your knowledge
  • (4) Serve as a self-promotional tool
  • (5) Enable communication with friends, family, and colleagues
  • (6) Help potential clients learn about your business
  • (7) Get your voice heard, which can influence change

Goal and Objective #7:

Maintain and invite new traffic
You have a great business model, your website needs to reflect that. You want to invite new users and keep them, they can become prospective customers. You also want to indulge current and new customers, keep them informed, make available a newsletter sign up page, on-demand online support or live chat, give discounts, provide referral programs.

Promote Yourself: Even if you don't run a business, a website can showcase a lot about you, including your resume. You can illustrate life events such as sweet 16s or weddings. You should create a professional website, and it is even more credible if you put yourself in its domain name. The "YourNameHere.com" method is a sound way to boost visibility. You can blog about food, review restaurants, talk about travel experiences, or sound off on opinions. The information you publish online can help others, whether you are reviewing an establishment or a book. Promoting a hobby can help you connect with others too. Building your own website helps forge connections and exposes your interests and insights to the rest of the world.

Goal and Objective #8:

Inject presence on media outlets
Market your business as much as possible. Create and attach your popular social media outlets to your website, share relevant content, advertise your products and services, while making sure you remain current and responsive to your audience.

People Can See Your Ideas Any Time: With a website, you don't have to visit an office to deliver your portfolio. There's no need to call someone and meet them at a specific time. Information is available all day and night, every day of the week. Everything you add to the website and your social media pages serve as permanent advertising.

Goal and Objective #9:

Globalize your efforts
Think global, build a website that will be helpful to everyone in your community, country, or the world. In doing so, make sure your website is accessible and understandable. You are going to need your site to cater to folks who may not have high speed Internet access, or folks who may only a handheld device to view your site. Beyond captivating, make your website easy to navigate, responsive, and easy on the eye; your favourite colour may not be suitable for your site.

Websites Connect The World: It's a global economy, so the less of a barrier between you and the world, the better. A website is the window into what you know and have to offer. Anyone on Earth can see your story. Whether you use a business website builder or are making your own website for fun, it's possible to communicate expertise and passion, or promote products and services at the same level as the biggest organizations. Developing a website is an incentive to hone your own craft. You can sell more, write more, and produce more. The reasons for investing time in a website are not limited to those listed here. There are no limitations in terms of topic, hobby, or business that you can communicate to the rest of the world.

Courtesy: https://www.ebizwebpages.com | Modified by: Dököll Solutions, Inc.

Wedsite Development - Audience[PDF] [Web]
Wedsite Development - Documentation[PDF] [Web]
Wedsite Development - Projects[PDF] [Web]

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail

Building a website without a plan is like constructing a building without blueprints. Things end up in the wrong place, features are overlooked, and the situation is ripe for miscommunication between website builder and client. Planning your website ahead of time will give it clear direction as well as prevent missed deadlines and backtracking. If you are a web designer working with clients, then this guide will help both of you to plan properly. If you are a business owner or employee of an organization, then this guide will help lay the groundwork for your future website.

Create a budget

Whether you’re an established, mid-sized organization or a fledgling start-up, you should always set a budget for your website expenses. This will probably include funds for web design, programming, and web hosting (though other expenses may apply). Research the market by shopping around and consulting with professionals. Don’t sell yourself short by comparing prices alone. What you save in money you may later pay for with a lackluster site and lots of headaches. It’s better to choose team members based on experience, insightfulness, references, and examples of work.

Assign team roles

Make sure everyone on your team knows their role and what is expected of them, and that they stay abreast of deadlines and new developments.

  • (1) Company stakeholders (owner, marketing manager, or whoever else represents a primary function of the business)
  • (2) Web developer
  • (3) Content writer and/or editor
  • (4) HTML/CSS professional
  • (5) Web and graphic designer

Create a content strategy

What kind of content will you be displaying on your website? Content is basically anything that gives your visitors information. It can include, but is not limited to:

  • (1) Blog posts
  • (2) Documents
  • (3) Video
  • (4) Pictures (such as in a gallery)
  • (5) Slideshows
  • (6) Embedded social media feeds (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter)
Your content strategy is the way that you plan to present your content over time. For instance, when developing a blog strategy, you may want to publish two blog posts a month, and put out a free quarterly report for your subscribers to download four times a year. Since content is such a vital aspect of a website, bring in help if you need it. Hire a writer who is experienced with writing for the web, and invest in some professional looking pictures of your storefront and employees.

Structure your website

Decide what pages you’ll be using and what features will be on each one. Most websites have an About and Contact page, but the pages you use should meet your business’ needs.

Create a mock-up

A page mock-up, also known as a wireframe, is essentially the outline of your website (with the initial design being the first draft). Usually created in Photoshop or Fireworks, you don’t have to put too much detail into your mock-up. Use placeholder text to fill pages, and don’t worry about details. This is just to give everyone an idea of what the website will look like.

If you don’t have a design program, you can also map it out with pen and paper! When you have a general feel of what you’d like, you can send it to a designer to create or do so yourself.

Start designing

The importance of good web design cannot be stressed enough. A great website design includes both usability and aesthetics. A poor-looking website will drive away visitors, as will a website that is difficult to navigate. Keep in mind some basic concepts of usability as you go:

  • (1) Make your navigation easy to understand and easy to find. Research shows that most users expect website navigation to be vertical and centered at the top of the page.
  • (2) Use an easy-to-read font for blocks of text. Choose a background color and text color that contrast well (Hint: No red text on a hot pink background).
  • (3) Ensure that your site fits the screen. Use responsive design (or an equally effective approach) to make your website one that adapts to all screen sizes.
  • (4) Keep your website look and feel and less crowded, light so that it loads quickly.
  • (5) Promote you company logo and tag line that is prominent on the page.
  • (6) Keep styles and colors consistent across the website.
  • (7) Write text or instructions, documentation that is clear and concise, put an effort in accentuating the important information and features.
  • (8) Compile a list of items through the website that will be included in a cascading style sheet as you design, as you want to keep style and function separate. This is important, not only to comply with web standards, but to make it easier to change something in the future if you need to.
  • (9) Design with the future in mind. For instance, your website may only have a few blog posts now, but what about when you have two hundred? Make your pages scallable, leave room to tweak the design to either add or remove functionality without effort.

Test, Test, Test

Testing is important for getting out bugs, catching details that you might have missed initially, and making sure you do not have typos. A professional website should be well-written; hire someone, get friends and family or colleagues to proof-read your work. Also, make sure your website shows up the way you want it to in all browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and mobile web browsers like Safari and Opera Mini. Test it on your cell phone, your tablet, and your colleagues' cell phones and tablets. You want your site to have a consistent appearance no matter what screen it shows up on. Make sure all of the links work, that the images are properly sized, and that you’ve replaced all of the placeholders with actual content. See to it that all of the forms and other input fields are working.

Maintain your website

Once your site is launched, the work isn’t over. A website is an ongoing entity that continuously represents your company, so maintenance is very important. Monitor your analytics software to see how your website is performing with the public. Keep an eye on metrics like your number of unique visitors, bounce rate, and which pages are most popular on your website. You might find that certain metrics are more useful to you than others, but that is information you’ll find out over time.

You should also have a plan for maintaining the website, such as who is responsible for posting new content or monitoring site security. And of course, get feedback from your users. Feedback is a valuable tool for improvement.

Planning a website ahead of time is just as important as planning anything else in business, yet this step often gets overlooked by those anxious to claim their piece of the Internet real estate. Taking the time to plan your website is a great investment, and it will better your chances of having a finished product that serves you well for as long as you need it.

Now that you are ready to plan your website, it’s time to get started! HostGator offers different options to accommodate first time users, all the way up to Fortune 500 companies. You can see what we offer by clicking here.

Courtesy: https://www.hostgator.com | Modified by: Dököll Solutions, Inc.

Website Development - Code Editors[PDF] [Web]
Website Development - CMS Themes[PDF] [Web]
Website Development - IDE Tools[PDF] [Web]

Which Editor or IDE best fits your needs?

Build a website to grow your business using these popular free and open source website building tools. Nowadays, whether you are an individual entrepreneur or representing a business organization, a website is a must for personal and professional growth. Organizations are spending lots of money for attractive website development. In this article, we are going to look at some of the open source website building editor and integrated development environment (IDE) tools that you can use to build your website on your own, without much knowledge about programming or the Internet.


Notepad is a simple text editor for Microsoft Windows and a basic text-editing program which enables computer users to create documents. It was first released as a mouse-based MS-DOS program in 1983, and has been included in all versions of Microsoft Windows since Windows 1.0 in 1985.

The official website for Notepad is:

  • (1) An original source code editor based on Microsoft that supports multiple languages
  • (2) Notepad is included in Windows Openrating System (OS) and can be downloaded separately
  • (3) Use it to Edit CSS, HTML5, Java, jQuery, PHP, Python, and others with ease

For more on Notepad, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks


Notepad++ is a text and source code editor for use with Microsoft Windows. It supports tabbed editing, which allows working with multiple open files in a single window. The project's name comes from the C increment operator. Notepad++ is distributed as free software.

The official website for Notepad++ is:

  • (1) A source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages
  • (2) that Optimizes as many routines as possible without losing user friendliness
  • (3) Notepad++ helps throttle down your system and reduces power consumption
  • (4) Use it to Edit CSS, HTML5, jQuery, PHP, Java, etc... without breaking the bank

For more on Notepad++, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks


TextEdit is a simple, open-source word processor and text editor, first featured in NeXT's NeXTSTEP and OpenStep. It is now distributed with macOS since Apple Inc.'s acquisition of NeXT, and available as a GNUstep application for other Unix-like operating systems such as Linux.

The official website for TextEdit is:

  • (1) Formatted text is the native language of TextEdit
  • (2) Converts from HTML output into an editable word-processing file
  • (3) Incorporates Pages technology into a robust word processor
  • (4) Use it to Edit CSS, HTML5, jQuery, PHP, Java, etc...

For more on TextEdit, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a shareware cross-platform source code editor with a Python application programming interface. It natively supports many programming languages and markup languages, and functions can be added by users with plugins, typically community-built and maintained under free-software licenses. Sublime Text is an amazing text editor for coding, markup, and style in Linux. Sublime Text Editor allows for code highlighting and better presentation. It also has a custom regex engine that significantly speeds up file indexing and loading.

The official website for Sublime Text is:

  • (1) A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
  • (2) Use Multiple Selections to rename variables quickly
  • (3) Once created, each selection allows for full-featured editing
  • (4) Conveniently navigates different files, code, and symbols
  • (5) Extend functionality by choosing a variety of open source plugins
  • (6) Use it to Edit CSS, HTML5, jQuery, PHP, Java, etc...

For more on Sublime Text, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks


Eclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE) used for computer programming. It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment.

The official website for Eclipse is:

  • (1) With an Eclipse IDE, you can program at ease with less time and effort
  • (2) It is extremely easy to navigate the User Interface (UI)
  • (3) Benefit from its code assist and auto completion options while programming
  • (4) Debugging your code in the UI is made easy, jump to specific errors line by line
  • (5) Section off your design, visual and source code windows within the same screen
  • (6) Clean up code and organize technology, and reference imports at once
  • (7) Eclipse is free, open source, and also supports a number of programming languages

For more on Eclipse, click here:Journal Entries, eBooks


Drupal is an open source Content management System (CMS) framework like Joomla and WordPress. Drupal’s installation is also similar to Joomla and WordPress. There is an installation script which will install the framework. It also offers different distributions. Drupal bundles are used to create specific kinds of websites. Drupal is a bit complicated after installation. Beginners find it difficult, compared to other popular CMS' when it comes to changing components of the websites.

The official website for Drupal is:

  • (1) Drupal supports MySQL as the primary database, similarly to Joomla and WordPress
  • (2) There are different themes, bundles, and modules available to add new features and functionaly
  • (3) Drupal is community driven, offers projects with very good support.

For more on Drupal, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks


Joomla is an open source and free CMS platform similar to Drupal and WordPress, and is the most popular framework after WordPress. Joomla is also built on PHP. Joomla’s installation is not as quick as WordPress, but it’s not tough either. There are lots of menus in Joomla compared to WordPress. Many people think that Joomla is more powerful than WordPress. Overall, anyone can opt for Joomla, since it is a stable and popular framework. In the case of Joomla, too, you can host your website on it by downloading the Joomla framework and creating self-hosted websites.

The official website for Joomla is:

  • (1) Joomla has thousands of verified third party extensions which can be easily found on the Joomla Extensions Directory
  • (2) A wealth of free documentation and video training make learning Joomla a breeze
  • (3) It has powerful SEO tools built and ready right out of the box
  • (4) Menu creation built with the thought of creating clear and consistent sitemaps
  • (5) Maintained and supported by a unique volunteer community who believe that it should be freely available to everyone, always
  • (6) Surrounded by an extensive ecosystem of extension developers, designers, integrators, copywriters, support personnel, system/server administrators, people from all walks of IT life, who believe passionately in Free Forever Open Source Solutions
  • (7) With a codebase designed to be robust, Joomla also features built in two-factor authentication and extensive access control levels out of the box. Joomla's dedicated Security Strike Team always strives to be ahead of the curve and has a reputation for releasing patches before exploits are widely known in the wild
  • (8) Stable core and extensibility allows your website or application to keep pace as your business unfolds from a budding idea to a fully fledged Fortune 500
  • (9) Joomla is not only a CMS, but also a stable and lightweight PHP framework which allows you to write web and command line applications in PHP. The Joomla Framework is easy to adapt and extend according to your needs. The CMS and framework are independent from each other, no need to install the CMS to use the framework! A great example of what you can achieve with the Joomla Framework is our issue tracker

For more on Joomla, click here:Journal Entries, eBooks


WordPress is one of the most popular open source and free CMS frameworks available in the website market. The majority of those who don’t know much coding prefer to create a website using WordPress. There are two variants of WordPress. The first is wordpress.com, where you can host your own website, which will have a domain name wordpress.com at the end. The second variant is wordpress.org, where you can download the WordPress framework and install it on your own host providers. The WordPress framework is written in PHP.

The official websites for WordPress are:
https://wordpress.com and https://wordpress.org/

  • (1) WordPress designing and development is extremely cost effective. Also, the upkeep and maintenance expense is relatively cheap as you can do it yourself instead of hiring a designer every time you need to update the content of your site
  • (2) Develop WordPress theme website, you can make changes to your site anywhere you are as long as you have access to the Internet
  • (3) SEO friendly. Websites built using WordPress have simple and constant code, making them ideal for Google indexing. SEO components for each page can also be customized giving you full control on which pages you want to rank high in search engines
  • (4) Highly efficient, earns inbound links to your site. Every time a new blog entry is posted, it can automatically go to an RSS feed, making it easier for others to syndicate content across directories and other websites
  • (5) With mobile traffic surpassing normal desktop traffic, responsive web design is no longer an option but a must. When you use a WordPress website design, you automatically get the benefit of responsive web technology without the need to develop separate websites for different devices
  • (6) Adding new features and functionaly can be extremely cumbersome for traditional websites, especially those that are created using sophisticated platforms. This is the exact opposite for WordPress-based sites. There are plugins that you can easily install which typically takes just three steps. Further, the WordPress community is very active and almost every best practice is documented. So if you need to add a new feature to your site, chances are, there are other WordPress users out there that have documented it
  • (7) In an era of online marketing when fresh content is of utmost importance, a WordPress website theme has an advantage over the traditional ones. In seconds, you can update your site’s content and you can do so as frequent as you want without the need to go through several complicated steps. You can also update your site’s design in a breeze making it an ideal platform for tactical campaigns (i.e. Holiday promotions, etc.). Additionally, being able to update your content frequently will help you and your organization build credibility in your niche
  • (8) Another benefit is if you opt to develop a WordPress website, there is seamless integration with social networks. You don’t need to login to your LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or other social media accounts one by one and automatically let your social networking community know that you have fresh content for them
  • (9) One of the primary criticism of WordPress design and development when it was first conceived is poor security. This myth has been debunked. As long as you have good WordPress web designers and developers, you can fortify your site’s security and make it hack-proof. The same cannot be said for traditional sites
  • (10) Unless you’re really loyal to your web designer or design firm, chances are, there will be several designers or firms that will work on your site. Before this, it was extremely difficult since each designer or firm had its own preferred platform. WordPress design and development operate on a universal, open source platform making it easier for you to transition from one designer to another

For more on WordPress, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks

Oracle JDeveloper

Oracle JDeveloper is a freeware IDE supplied by Oracle Corporation. It offers features for development in Java, XML, SQL and PL/SQL, HTML, JavaScript, BPEL and PHP. JDeveloper covers the full development lifecycle from design through coding, debugging, optimization and profiling to deploying.

The official website for Oracle JDeveloper is:

  • (1) Integrated Development Environment: Oracle JDeveloper integrates development features for Java, web, mobile, web services (REST & SOAP) and database into a single development tool. The various artifacts share the same project structure and development experience, reducing the learning curve and simplifying the development process of composite applications that leverage a multitude of technologies. In addition Oracle JDeveloper acts as the development environment for the various components of the Oracle Fusion Middleware offering including the Oracle SOA Suite, Oracle WebCenter Portal and Oracle’s BI solutions.
  • (2) Full Lifecycle Support: Oracle JDeveloper covers the full development lifecycle from initial design and analysis, through the coding and testing phases, all the way to deployment. Developers can design, generate, and visualize their code with UML, Java and database diagrams. An advanced coding environment and declarative and visual editors facilitate faster code development. Integrated testing, profiling, and code auditing features ensure the quality of the applications. Integration with versioning, build, and deployment tools enable packaging and deployment of applications either through the IDE or through automated processes. Oracle JDeveloper enhances team development through integrated with a host of version management solutions as well as integration with the Oracle Developer Cloud Service for full lifecycle tacking and team collaboration
  • (3) Visual And Declarative: Oracle JDeveloper focuses on increasing developers’ productivity by offering a visual and declarative approach to application development. A combination of visual editors, property inspectors, structure panes, and editing dialogs reduce tedious coding. These declarative features provide a simpler way to define the components that construct an application. The application’s code is always accessible for direct manipulation as well. Changes can be made by either the declarative means or directly in the code and are reflected in both simultaneously.
  • (4) Productivity Boosting Development Framework: Oracle JDeveloper is the development environment for the Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF). Oracle ADF is an end-to-end development framework, built on top of the Java Platform Enterprise Edition, and offering unparalleled productivity. The framework provides integrated infrastructure solutions for the various layers of the application including data access, business services development, a controller layer, rich web, mobile and desktop interfaces, data binding, and security. Oracle JDeveloper offers features that simplify the development of Oracle ADF based application through its visual and declarative editors.
  • (5) Complete Development Tool: Oracle JDeveloper integrates the full set of technologies needed for developing composite applications with specific features that address the following technologies:


    Oracle JDeveloper provides a complete development environment for both Java SE and Java EE. Advanced code editors with code insight, code completion, refactoring, code assist, live code auditing, quick Javadoc and a host of other shortcuts accelerate the coding experience. State of the art debugger, code auditor, profilers, and JUnit-based testing integration ensure the delivery of high quality code. JDeveloper includes visual editors, declarative dialogs, and modelers that help create Java EE artifacts quickly. With the embedded WebLogic Server developers can run, test and debug their Java EE applications directly inside the development environment.


    JDeveloper integrates a full database development environment for both Oracle and non-Oracle databases. A database modeler enables forward and reverse modeling as well as reporting for relational databases structure. In addition the integrated SQL Developer capabilities provide database browsing, object definition and manipulation as well as query execution. An integrated PL/SQL editor offers advanced coding and debugging capabilities for PL/SQL stored procedures inside the Oracle database.


    JDeveloper includes a visual HTML 5 editor for Web page design with simple drag and drop gestures. A JavaScript editor with code insight and refactoring capabilities and a CSS 3 editor helps with achieving the right design for rich Web pages. An HTTP Monitor can track the network traffic between the browser and server. For Java Web developers JDeveloper, extends the visual HTML editor to support JSP and JSF visual editing, as well as providing code insight while coding these Java artifacts. JDeveloper also includes a JSF pageflow diagram and JSF configuration tools enabling easy definition of a controller layer.

    Web Service SOAP and REST

    JDeveloper simplifies the creation and consumption of web services. Declarative dialogs streamline publishing REST and SOAP web service from business logic stored in simple Java classes, EJBs and database procedures. Additional wizards help consume existing web services by analyzing their structure and generating proxy code or ADF data controls that simplify interaction with the services. Additional capabilities such as visual WSDL editor, top down Web services generation, XML Schema diagram and a web services tester further help integrate applications in an SOA architecture.


    Oracle JDeveloper enable development of both on-device and web mobile applications. Through integration with Oracle Mobile Application Framework, developers can build ondevice iOS and Android applications directly from the JDeveloper IDE. Integration with platform specific SDK enables direct deployment and debugging to emulators and devices from inside Oracle JDeveloper.

    Oracle Fusion Middleware

    Oracle JDeveloper is the development environment for Oracle Fusion Middleware with specific extensions that cover Oracle SOA Suite, Oracle WebCenter Suite, and Oracle BI. Diagrams allow developers to build BPM, BPEL and ESB processes, and a declarative editor provides an easy way to define business rules for the Oracle SOA Suite, all from within JDeveloper. Rich Web interfaces for BAM and Human Workflows can quickly be developed with Oracle ADF in JDeveloper. Oracle WebCenter adds capabilities for development and consumption of portlets, integration with content repositories, and a host of Web 2.0 services to the list of features available in Oracle JDeveloper. Integration with Oracle BI allows the definition of new reports and graphs on various sources of data as well as inclusion of these reports in existing Oracle ADF pages.

For more on Oracle JDeveloper, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks

Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Studio is an IDE from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs, as well as websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. Code faster. Work smarter. Create the future with the best-in-class IDE. Type variables quickly and accurately, using IntelliSense code suggestions if you get stuck. Maintain speed no matter the complexity as you navigate to any file, type, member, or symbol declaration you need. Make quick improvements to your code using light bulbs that suggest actions such as renaming a function or adding a parameter. Deploy your application to Azure directly from Visual Studio with one click, easily connecting to your database of choice.

The official website for Visual Studio is:

  • (1) Visual Studio Code provides basic support for HTML programming out of the box. Get more done with dedicated project templates for Azure. These Quickstart templates give you a working app so you can immediately deploy to the cloud.
  • (2) There is syntax highlighting, smart completions with IntelliSense, and customizable formatting. If you’re dealing with an issue that is hard to reproduce locally on your machine, you can use Cloud Explorer in Visual Studio to quickly and easily attach the Visual Studio remote debugger to your Azure environment.
  • (3) Visual Studio Code also includes great Emmet support. Manage and explore your Azure resources and resource groups from Visual Studio using Cloud Explorer. You can inspect their properties and perform key diagnostic actions easily.

For more on Visual Studio, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks

Steps to Creating a Website: Goals, Planning, Tools

A website is a beneficial way to develop an online presense, whether you are a beginner, simply trying to learn new skills and showcase your efforts online, or an entrepreneur, job seeker, artist, or writer indulging in a new professional venture. It is not difficult to create a website; there are several templates and tools to help you build a website from scratch, and promote it quickly to the Internet. In this page, we will help you figure out how to start. You should take a moment to read all sections (Goals, Planning, Tools) contained under the specific tabs to guide you, we hope they will maximize your chances for success.

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Software Download Information

Your environment, personal computer or server instance, may already include software you can use to begin a web development project. It all depends on the complexity of your prospective design or what you hope to achieve in building your first web application, personal of otherwise. If you prefer to use an code editor like NotePad and you are running a Windows Operating System(OS) on your computer or server, you are all set. On a Mac OS, you will have the ability to edit code in TextEdit, you also find other popular text or code editiors for Apple's MAC OS by simply searching the Internet. For other environments, such as Linux, some developers are using Sublime Text, again, here too, you can do a quick research online to find others.

In the event you need other software or tools to build more complex application, search for the specific software on the Internet, go to the company website having the tool you need and download a copy onto your personal computer or server box. Be prepared that if you are downloading software to a networked server environment, there may be certain directories or repositories set for downloading software files.

For more on Downloads, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks

Software Download Technical Notes

A prior documentation section, mainly the Tools portion in Beginner 1 of this How-To, includes links to websites you can use to download the code editors mentioned in this document, and they are very easy to download and install. However, if you need additional information about a specific/preferred code editor (i.e. Notepad++, TextEdit, etc...) that you need support with, please feel free to drop us a line. For the purpose of this website, we have chosen a selected few application development tools and we are going to provide instructional materials to help your download, configure, and use the sofware with ease.

Most Popular IDE Downloads

Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, Oracle JDeveloper
For now, we are limiting download instructions to only three Integrated Development Environment (IDE) tools, Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, and Oracle JDeveloper. We feel you may need more support with these tools. Please find download instructions below for some of the most popular IDEs currently being used for our site's How-To documentation. If you have other IDEs you would like our support with or simply want us to write documentation about, you can contact us for assistance anytime.

For more on Downloads, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks

Eclipse is an IDE used in computer programming. It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment. Eclipse is written mostly in Java and its primary use is for developing Java applications, but it may also be used to develop applications in other programming languages via plug-ins, including Ada, ABAP, C, C++, C#, Clojure, COBOL, D, Erlang, Fortran, Groovy, Haskell, JavaScript, Julia, Lasso, Lua, NATURAL, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Python, R, Ruby (including Ruby on Rails framework), Rust, Scala, and Scheme

Eclipse Download/Install Instructions

For starters, the Eclipse Foundation has recently introduced the Eclipse Installer, a new and more efficient way to install Eclipse. It is a proper installer (no zip files), with a self-extracting download that leads you through the installation process. For those who prefer not to use the Installer, the packages and zip files are still available on our package download page.

Note: For our Dököll Solutions, Inc. users, we are going to go ahead and add instructions to download and install manually, just in case you prefer a different option.

Here are the steps suggested by the Eclipse Foundation, using the handy-dandy installer, which we think is a game-changer, to install Eclipse in your environment with very little effort. Please be aware, we are not including the screenshots in the original instructions posted by the Eclipse Foundation, as an attempt to keep this How-To page light and easily accesssible over slower Internet connections.

Downloading/Installing Eclipse using Installer

1. Download the Eclipse Installer

Download Eclipse Installer from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads Eclipse is hosted on many mirrors around the world. Please select the one closest to you and start to download the Installer

2. Start the Eclipse Installer executable

For Windows users, after the Eclipse Installer executable has finished downloading it should be available in your download directory. Start the Eclipse Installer executable. You may get a security warning to run this file. If the Eclipse Foundation is the Publisher, you are good to select Run.

Note: For Mac and Linux users, you will still need to unzip the download to create the Installer. Start the Installer once it is available.

3. Select the package to install

The new Eclipse Installer shows the packages available to Eclipse users. You can search for the package you want to install or scroll through the list. Select and click on the package you want to install.

Note: The Eclipse Foundation website contains a number of packages based on need. You can develop and edit a vast array of applications or programming languages with the Eclipse platform, CSS, HTML5, Java, JavaScript, PHP, etc... Be certain you are installing the right package for your purpose.

4. Select your installation folder

Specify the folder where you want Eclipse to be installed. The default folder will be in your User directory. Select the ‘Install’ button to begin the installation.

5. Launch Eclipse

Once the installation is complete you can now launch Eclipse. The Eclipse Installer has done it's work. Happy coding.

Note: It is strongly recommended to configure Eclipse with the specific JVM that you want. See the instructions at Eclipse.ini This is a very important step to be sure that Eclipse is using the JVM you intend and can't be influenced by any other software that might alter your system. The JVM used to launch Eclipse has no affect on whether it can compile Java sources for other Java language versions.

Eclipse Manual Download/Install Instructions

Be aware of the following

Now that you have had a flavour of how to Download and Install Eclipse using the Eclipse Foundation Installer, let us go through some simple steps to downloading and running Eclipse manually. You should download and install the latest version of Eclipse. Some things to be aware of, you may find on the Internet or on the Eclipse Foundation website information pertaining to Eclipse versions under different names, Neon, Oxygen, and others. What you will find when you get on the Eclipse website is that the they likely make available the new vesion front and center; rest assured, the previous versions are also available if you search a little deeper into the website, there is a specific page that lists the older packages.

Prepare to download and install

Here is a direct link to the new releases, as of this writing (2020. https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/release/2020-03.

The Eclipse download requires about 300 MB of disk space; keep it on your machine (personal computer or server box), in case you need to re-install Eclipse. When installed, Eclipse requires an additional 330 MB of disk space. First, you will need to visit the Eclipse Foundation's package download page to download a zip file.

Unzip Eclipse

Once you have downloaded Eclipse to your personal computer or server, it will likely be loaded to your Downloads folder, unless you specify a directory where downloaded files go. Now, find your newly downloaded zip file (containing Eclipse), then unzip it, preferably to a folder you created either in C:\Users\YourProfile\YourFolder or C:\Users\MyComputerName\MyFolderName\. The unzipped file will contain a folder called Eclipse, when you open it, you will be able to locate the Eclipse application files. From there, you can either run Eclipse from that directory or create a shortcut to your desktop.

Choosing an Eclipse Workspace

While Eclipse is launching for the first time, it will ask you to choose a Workspace to work from and run your programs; the default WorkSpace location may look something like this C:\Users\YourProfile\eclipse-workspace. Eclipse should boot to the Welcome screen. You are now ready to use Eclipse in your environment. If your version of Eclipse is not running properly, take a look at the Reference and Installation sections within this How-To document for additional assistance.

For more on Eclipse Downloads, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks

Oracle JDeveloper is a freeware IDE supplied by Oracle Corporation. It offers features for development in Java, XML, SQL and PL/SQL, HTML, JavaScript, BPEL and PHP. JDeveloper covers the full development lifecycle from design through coding, debugging, optimization and profiling to deploying.

Oracle JDeveloper 12c Download

This download is the complete version of JDeveloper with all the features. This is the recommended Download. This download contains only the core Java and XML features, it doesn't contain J2EE, ADF, UML and Database features. Fewer features means smaller download and improved performance.

-Visit the Oracle JDeveloper Download page to get a copy

1. Preparing to Install Oracle JDeveloper

Prepare for Oracle JDeveloper installation by verifying that your system meets the basic requirements, then obtain the correct installation software. Oracle JDeveloper provides a productive development environment that covers the full development life cycle. JDeveloper integrates features that address many technologies used for building standards-based enterprise applications. Oracle JDeveloper is available in two distinct distributions: Oracle JDeveloper Studio and Oracle JDeveloper Java. With the Oracle JDeveloper Studio distribution, you can test your applications locally in an embedded version of Oracle WebLogic Server that contains the required libraries and Oracle ADF runtime software. Click here for additional information about system requirements

2. Installing the Oracle JDeveloper Software

Follow the steps pertinent to your operating system to install the Oracle JDeveloper software. The installation steps depend on the Oracle JDeveloper distribution and installer you are using. You can install Oracle JDeveloper Studio on Linux, UNIX, Mac OS X, and Windows operating systems. The steps to start the Oracle JDeveloper Studio installation program depend on the type of installer you are using.

3. Next Steps After Installing Oracle JDeveloper Studio

After installing Oracle JDeveloper, you can start JDeveloper and perform related tasks. To start Oracle JDeveloper, follow the steps for the operating system you are using, or start it from the command line. Oracle JDeveloper 12c ( supports migration from Oracle JDeveloper or Oracle JDeveloper extensions (such as JUnit) are available through JDeveloper or by downloading from OTN. Installing Oracle JDeveloper Studio 12c ( also automatically installs Oracle WebLogic Server 12c ( For more information on installing Oracle JDeveloper Studio, visit this page

For more on JDeveloper Downloads, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks

Welcome to Visual Studio! In this version, it's easy to choose and install just the features you need. And because of its reduced minimum footprint, it installs quickly and with less system impact. Visual Studio is available for Windows and Mac. Visual Studio for Mac has many of the same features as Visual Studio 2019, and is optimized for developing cross-platform and mobile apps. This article focuses on the Windows version of Visual Studio 2019. There are three editions of Visual Studio 2019: Community, Professional, and Enterprise. See Compare Visual Studio editions to learn about which features are supported in each edition.

Visual Studio Download Instructions

The Visual Studio integrated development environment is a creative launching pad that you can use to edit, debug, and build code, and then publish an app. An integrated development environment (IDE) is a feature-rich program that can be used for many aspects of software development. Over and above the standard editor and debugger that most IDEs provide, Visual Studio includes compilers, code completion tools, graphical designers, and many more features to ease the software development process.

Continue reading about Visual Studio, please note this link will take to a Microsoft web page and will open in a new tab so you can still have access to our website.

Step 1 - Make sure your computer is ready for Visual Studio

Before you begin installing Visual Studio:

  • (1) Check the system requirements. These requirements help you know whether your computer supports Visual Studio 2019.
  • (2) Apply the latest Windows updates. These updates ensure that your computer has both the latest security updates and the required system components for Visual Studio.
  • (3) Reboot. The reboot ensures that any pending installs or updates don't hinder the Visual Studio install.
  • (4) Free up space. Remove unneeded files and applications from your %SystemDrive% by, for example, running the Disk Cleanup app.
For questions about running previous versions of Visual Studio side by side with Visual Studio 2019, see the Visual Studio 2019 Platform Targeting and Compatibility page.

Step 2 - Download Visual Studio

Next, download the Visual Studio bootstrapper file. To do so, choose the following link Visual Studio Download, choose the edition of Visual Studio that you want, choose Save, and then choose Open folder. Please the installation can be rather complicated. You should first decide what you are going to do with your version of Visual Studio prior to downloading. You will be presented with a number of options to select from, we suggest that you visit this Microsoft web page Before Installing

Step 3 - Install the Visual Studio installer

Run the bootstrapper file to install the Visual Studio Installer. This new lightweight installer includes everything you need to both install and customize Visual Studio. From your Downloads folder, double-click the bootstrapper that matches or is similar to one of the following files:

  • (1) vs_community.exe for Visual Studio Community
  • (2) vs_professional.exe for Visual Studio Professional
  • (3) vs_enterprise.exe for Visual Studio Enterprise
  • (4) If you receive a User Account Control notice, choose Yes.

When asked to acknowledge the Microsoft License Terms and the Microsoft Privacy Statement. Choose Continue.

Step 4 - Choose workloads

After the installer is installed, you can use it to customize your installation by selecting the feature sets—or workloads—that you want. Here's how.

-Find the workload you want in the Visual Studio Installer.

For example, choose the "ASP.NET and web development" workload. It comes with the default core editor, which includes basic code editing support for over 20 languages, the ability to open and edit code from any folder without requiring a project, and integrated source code control.

-After you choose the workload(s) you want, choose Install.

Next, status screens appear that show the progress of your Visual Studio installation.


At any time after installation, you can install workloads or components that you didn't install initially. If you have Visual Studio open, go to Tools > Get Tools and Features... which opens the Visual Studio Installer. Or, open Visual Studio Installer from the Start menu. From there, you can choose the workloads or components that you wish to install. Then, choose Modify.

Step 5 - Choose individual components (Optional)

If you don't want to use the Workloads feature to customize your Visual Studio installation, or you want to add more components than a workload installs, you can do so by installing or adding individual components from the Individual components tab. Choose what you want, and then follow the prompts.

Step 6 - Install language packs (Optional)

By default, the installer program tries to match the language of the operating system when it runs for the first time. To install Visual Studio in a language of your choosing, choose the Language packs tab from the Visual Studio Installer, and then follow the prompts.

Step 7 - Select the installation location (Optional)

You can reduce the installation footprint of Visual Studio on your system drive. You can choose to move the download cache, shared components, SDKs, and tools to different drives, and keep Visual Studio on the drive that runs it the fastest.


You can select a different drive only when you first install Visual Studio. If you've already installed it and want to change drives, you must uninstall Visual Studio and then reinstall it. For more information, see the Select installation locations page.

Step 8 - Start developing

After Visual Studio installation is complete, choose the Launch button to get started developing with Visual Studio.

-On the start window, choose Create a new project.

-In the search box, enter the type of app you want to create to see a list of available templates. The list of templates depends on the workload(s) that you chose during installation. To see different templates, choose different workloads.

-You can also filter your search for a specific programming language by using the Language drop-down list. You can filter by using the Platform list and the Project type list, too.

-Visual Studio opens your new project, and you're ready to code!

Continue reading Visual Studio download and install information, and how to install the software on other Operating Systems here at: Download/Install Visual Studio
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Why keep a log of reference materials?

Some, if not most software are installed with pre-configuration means that allow for rapid deployment and use right out of the box. You or your team may need more out of a newly acquired software, you should refer to software manuals and materials to enhance or change the existing configuration based on your environment. For this reason, it is crutial that you keep documentation or reference materials in a safe location so you or your administrators can get to them quickly. There is also a chance that you had gone through the necessary steps to re-configuring your version of the software so that it fits your needs, you may also have come across important information that is not included in reference materials. Your job is to document these findings and put them in a vault or file cabinet for furture reference; failure to do so may cost you greatly.

Eclipse is an IDE used in computer programming. It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment. Eclipse is written mostly in Java and its primary use is for developing Java applications, but it may also be used to develop applications in other programming languages via plug-ins, including Ada, ABAP, C, C++, C#, Clojure, COBOL, D, Erlang, Fortran, Groovy, Haskell, JavaScript, Julia,[7] Lasso, Lua, NATURAL, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Python, R, Ruby (including Ruby on Rails framework), Rust, Scala, and Scheme

Reference Materials for Eclipse Software

Extending Eclipse
Use the Help > Install new software... menu option to add Kepler features to your Eclipse installation (you can, for example, use this option to add C/C++ development support). Additionally, you can tap into a vast collection of extensions provided by the Eclipse community and ecosystem via the Eclipse Marketplace Client (Help > Eclipse Marketplace). Note that not all Eclipse packages contain the Eclipse Marketplace Client.

Java was started but returned exit code = 13: If you've "installed" Eclipse but are having trouble getting it to run, the most likely cause is that you have not correctly specified the JVM for it to run under. You may need to edit the eclipse.ini file.

Another common mistake on Microsoft Windows is a mismatch between the "bittedness" of Eclipse and the JVM/JDK. This is the most frequent cause of an Error 13. 64-bit Eclipse requires a 64-bit JVM, and 32-bit Eclipse requires 32-bit JVM--you can not mix-and-match between 32-bit and 64-bit, so make sure the version of Eclipse you installed matches the JVM/JDK that you're using to run it (and make sure you're using eclipse.ini to specify the exact JVM used to run Eclipse, described above). Continue reading https://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse/Installation for additional troubleshooting information.

Minimizing data loss from crashes

The Workbench periodically saves a snapshot in order to reduce the risk of losing data due to crashes. The default period between saves is 5 minutes, but you can change this from the General > Workspace preferences page. From that page you can also set Eclipse to save all modified resources before a manual build.

For more on Reference, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks

Oracle JDeveloper is a freeware IDE supplied by Oracle Corporation. It offers features for development in Java, XML, SQL and PL/SQL, HTML, JavaScript, BPEL and PHP. JDeveloper covers the full development lifecycle from design through coding, debugging, optimization and profiling to deploying.

Oracle JDeveloper Reference Materials

Once you have downloaded and installed Oracle JDeveloper, you must make sure to update the JDK After Installing and Configuring the Oracle Fusion Middleware Product. Case in point, consider that you have a JDK version jdk1.8.0_191 installed on your machine. When you install and configure an Oracle Fusion Middleware product, the utilities, such as Configuration Wizard (config.sh|exe), OPatch, or RCU point to a default JDK, for example, jdk1.8.0_191. After some time, Oracle releases a new version of the JDK, say jdk1.8.0_211 that carries security enhancements and bug fixes. From 12c ( onwards, you can upgrade the existing JDK to a newer version, and can have the complete product stack point to the newer version of the JDK.

You can maintain multiple versions of JDK and switch to the required version on need basis.

Here is additional information about Updating the JDK Location After Installing an Oracle Fusion Middleware Product The binaries and other metadata and utility scripts in the Oracle home and Domain home, such as RCU or Configuration Wizard, use a JDK version that was used while installing the software and continue to refer to the same version of the JDK. The JDK path is stored in a variable called JAVA_HOME which is centrally located in .globalEnv.properties file inside the ORACLE_HOME/oui directory.

Uninstalling Oracle JDeveloper

Follow the instructions in this section to uninstall Oracle JDeveloper. Before uninstalling Oracle Fusion Middleware software components, stop all Oracle JDeveloper processes.

Uninstalling Oracle JDeveloper

When you run the Oracle JDeveloper uninstaller, it removes everything in the Oracle home from which the uninstaller is started. For more information about starting and stopping Oracle Fusion Middleware, see Starting and Stopping Oracle Fusion Middleware in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware. Be sure that no system components are using the Oracle home (referred to in this guide as JDEV_HOME) that you want to remove.

Starting the Uninstaller

-To uninstall Oracle JDeveloper Studio, navigate to the following location:

-(Windows) JDEV_HOME\oui\bin\

-(Linux, UNIX, or Mac OS X) JDEV_HOME/oui/bin/

-Start the uninstaller by running the following command:

-(Windows) install.exe -deinstall

-(Linux, UNIX, or Mac OS X) ./deinstall.sh


If you are reinstalling the same version of Oracle JDeveloper after deinstalling it, the system directory from the previous installation, gets associated with the new installation by default. Therefore, to reinstall the same version of Oracle JDeveloper, you must either delete the previously created system directory first, or set a new user home directory after reinstallation, as described in Section 3.6, "Setting the User Home Directory". On Windows systems, if you are deinstalling your current version of Oracle JDeveloper to install a newer version, Oracle recommends that you reboot your system after you deinstall the software, and before you begin a new installation of the software.

Continue reading about Oracle JDeveloper uninstall steps here: Uninstalling Oracle JDeveloper

Welcome to Visual Studio! In this version, it's easy to choose and install just the features you need. And because of its reduced minimum footprint, it installs quickly and with less system impact. Visual Studio is available for Windows and Mac. Visual Studio for Mac has many of the same features as Visual Studio 2019, and is optimized for developing cross-platform and mobile apps. This article focuses on the Windows version of Visual Studio 2019. There are three editions of Visual Studio 2019: Community, Professional, and Enterprise. See Compare Visual Studio editions to learn about which features are supported in each edition.

Reference Materials for Visual Studio Software

Troubleshoot Visual Studio
This troubleshooting guide includes step-by-step instructions that should resolve most installation issues.

Online installations

The following steps are optimized for a typical online installation. For an issue that affects an offline installation, please see How to troubleshoot an offline installation below.

Step 1 - Check whether this problem is a known issue

There are some known issues with the Visual Studio Installer that Microsoft is working on fixing. To see if there's a workaround for your problem, check the Known Issues section of our release notes.

Step 2 - Check with the developer community

Search on your error message with the Visual Studio Developer Community. Other members of the community might have documented a solution to your problem.

Step 3 - Delete the Visual Studio Installer directory to fix upgrade problems

The Visual Studio Installer bootstrapper is a minimal light-weight executable that installs the rest of the Visual Studio Installer. Deleting Visual Studio Installer files and then rerunning the bootstrapper might solve some update failures.


Performing the following actions reinstalls the Visual Studio Installer files and resets the installation metadata.

-Close the Visual Studio Installer.

-Delete the Visual Studio Installer directory. Typically, the directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer.

-Run the Visual Studio Installer bootstrapper. You might find the bootstrapper in your Downloads folder with a file name that follows a vs_[Visual Studio edition]__*.exe pattern. If you don't find that application, you can download the bootstrapper by going to the Visual Studio downloads page and clicking Download for your edition of Visual Studio. Then, run the executable to reset your installation metadata.

-Try to install or update Visual Studio again. If the Installer continues to fail, go to the next step.

Step 4 - Report a problem

In some situations, such as those related to corrupted files, the problems might have to be looked at on a case-by-case basis. To help us help you, please do the following:

-Collect your setup logs. See How to get the Visual Studio installation logs for details.

-Open the Visual Studio Installer, and then click Report a problem to open the Visual Studio Feedback tool.

-Give your problem report a title, and provide relevant details. Click Next to go to the Attachments section, and then attach the generated log file (typically, the file is at %TEMP%\vslogs.zip).

-Click Next to review your problem report, and then click Submit.

Step 5 - Run InstallCleanup.exe to remove installation files

As a last resort, you can remove Visual Studio to remove all installation files and product information.

-Follow the instructions in Remove Visual Studio.

-Rerun the bootstrapper that's described in Step 3 - Delete the Visual Studio Installer directory to fix upgrade problems.

-Try to install or update Visual Studio again.

Step 6 - Contact us (optional)

If none of the previous steps help you successfully install or upgrade Visual Studio, contact Microsoft Support by using their live chat support option (English only) for further assistance.

Offline installations

Click here for Offline Installation information

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Maintain copies of all downloaded software

Finally, you installed new software in your environment and configured it to meet all of your needs. Your next step should be to save all installation files in the event you need to install the same software in a different environment as a backup or in case you need to reinstall when something goes wrong with your current installation or environment. This is important because you will be saving yourself a lot of time and effort, especially if the downloaded software is no longer available, or the page you downloaded from is obsolete.

While you may be able to obtain a copy by contacting the software manufacturer, that in itself may also be a hit or miss, the company may have discontinued providing a download for your version of the software. You may end up having to download a different version which may not provide the same result, if you created applications that require the previous version to work properly. When you are backing up or saving copies of your downloaded software, we suggest keeping a copy of all install files in an external storage or repository, just in case your current environment cannot be used or restored.

TIP: On a final note, the websites you are getting your software from may give you the option to run the installation as opposed to getting a file download, we recommend that you save the file instead, for reasons already explained in this installation section.

Eclipse is an IDE used in computer programming. It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment. Eclipse is written mostly in Java and its primary use is for developing Java applications, but it may also be used to develop applications in other programming languages via plug-ins, including Ada, ABAP, C, C++, C#, Clojure, COBOL, D, Erlang, Fortran, Groovy, Haskell, JavaScript, Julia,[7] Lasso, Lua, NATURAL, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Python, R, Ruby (including Ruby on Rails framework), Rust, Scala, and Scheme

Eclipse Additional Install Instructions

Installing Eclipse is relatively easy, but does involve a few steps and software from at least two different sources. Eclipse is a Java-based application and, as such, requires a Java runtime environment (JRE) in order to run.

Note that on recent versions of Mac, a full JDK needs to be installed, not just a JRE; see instructions below.

Regardless of your operating system, you will need to install some Java virtual machine (JVM). You may either install a Java Runtime Environment (JRE), or a Java Development Kit (JDK), depending on what you want to do with Eclipse. If you intend to use Eclipse for Java development, then you should install a JDK. If you aren't planning to use Eclipse for Java development and want to save some disk space, install a JRE.
  • (1) If you're using Windows, you may already have a JRE installed, but upgrading usually won't hurt.
  • (2) If you're using Mac, and you don't have a JDK installed, you may get a bogus message from the OS stating that you should "install the legacy Java SE 6 runtime". Installing that will not solve the problem, because recent versions of Eclipse require a higher version. If you install just a JRE, and not a full JDK, that error message will persist. You must install a full JDK.
  • (3) If using Linux, read this - GCJ will NOT work.
Note: If you need prior versions of Eclipse, here is a direct link to older versions Eclipse/Installation/Older Versions

For more on Installation, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks

Oracle JDeveloper is a freeware IDE supplied by Oracle Corporation. It offers features for development in Java, XML, SQL and PL/SQL, HTML, JavaScript, BPEL and PHP. JDeveloper covers the full development lifecycle from design through coding, debugging, optimization and profiling to deploying.

Oracle JDeveloper Installation

When the installation program appears, you are ready to begin the installation. See Section 2.2.2 for a description of each installation program screen.

Launching the Generic Installer on Windows

-To launch the platform-independent installer on your Windows machine, do the following:

-Log in to the host computer where you want to install Oracle JDeveloper.

-Be sure the user account you use for installing Oracle JDeveloper has the required privileges. For more information, see "Selecting an Installation User" in Planning an Installation of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

-Ensure that a certified JDK exists on the system on which you are about to install Oracle JDeveloper. For more information, see the appropriate certification document for 12c (12.1.2) on the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page.

-Using command prompt, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the installation program.

-Launch the installation program by invoking java -jar from the JDK directory on your system, as shown in the example below:

-For example:

-\home\Oracle\jdk7_15\jdk1.7.0_15\bin\java -jar jdev_suite_121200.jar

-Be sure to replace \home\Oracle\jdk7_15\jdk1.7.0_15 in this example with the location of the JDK on your system.

When the installation program appears, you are ready to begin the installation. See Section 2.2.2 for a description of each installation program screen.

Launch the platform-specific installer on Windows

-Log in to the host computer where you want to install Oracle JDeveloper.

-Be sure the user account you use for installing Oracle JDeveloper has the required privileges. For more information, see "Selecting an Installation User" in Planning an Installation of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

-Using the command prompt, navigate to the location where the platform-specific installer is located.

-Launch the installer by running the following command:


When the installation program appears, you are ready to begin the installation. You can also launch the installer in silent mode to ensure that no configuration options are displayed during the installation process. For more information, see Section A.1, "Installing Oracle JDeveloper Studio in Silent Mode"

Continue reading about Oracle JDeveloper installation in Windows and other Operating Systems in: Starting the Installation Program

Welcome to Visual Studio! In this version, it's easy to choose and install just the features you need. And because of its reduced minimum footprint, it installs quickly and with less system impact. Visual Studio is available for Windows and Mac. Visual Studio for Mac has many of the same features as Visual Studio 2019, and is optimized for developing cross-platform and mobile apps. This article focuses on the Windows version of Visual Studio 2019. There are three editions of Visual Studio 2019: Community, Professional, and Enterprise. See Compare Visual Studio editions to learn about which features are supported in each edition.

Visual Studio Install Tips

This articles discusses tips for Visual Studio features that help you write, navigate, and debug your code more quickly and efficiently. For information about helpful keyboard shortcuts, see Productivity shortcuts. For a complete list of command shortcuts, see Default keyboard shortcuts. What do I need to do before installing Visual Studio? The Visual Studio Installer will help you install the tools, packages, and SDKs needed by your workload and component selections. To minimize incompatibility and ensure a smooth installation experience, we recommend going through the following checklist to ensure that your computer is ready for Visual Studio.

Check your operating system and apply the latest Windows Updates: You can see the system requirements for Visual Studio 2019 here and for Visual Studio 2017 here. Visual Studio requires Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or newer, and runs best on Windows 10. Reboot before beginning the Visual Studio installation: This ensures that any pending installations or updates don’t hinder the Visual Studio installation. Ensure there is enough space on your SystemDrive before installing Visual Studio. Refer to the Visual Studio 2019 System Requirements to check the free space required for installation. If you need more space, you can run the Windows Disk Cleanup App.

Write Visual Studio code

Write code more quickly by using the following features. Use convenience commands. Visual Studio contains various commands to help you accomplish common editing tasks faster. For example, you can choose a command to easily duplicate a line of code without having to copy it, reposition the cursor, and then paste it. Choose Edit > Duplicate or press Ctrl+E,V. You can also quickly expand or contract a selection of text by choosing Edit > Advanced > Expand Selection or Edit > Advanced > Contract Selection, or by pressing Shift+Alt+= or Shift+Alt+-.

Use IntelliSense. As you enter code in the editor, IntelliSense information, such as List Members, Parameter Info, Quick Info, Signature Help, and Complete Word, appears. These features support fuzzy matching of text; for example, the results lists for List Members includes not only entries that start with the characters that you have entered but also entries that contain the character combination anywhere in their names. For more information, see Use IntelliSense.

Change auto-insertion of IntelliSense options as you enter code. By switching IntelliSense to suggestion mode, you can specify that IntelliSense options are inserted only if you explicitly choose them.

Continue reading about your Visual Studio environment here in: Productivity tips for Visual Studio

Download, Reference, Installation for Web applications:

By now, you have a pretty good idea which IDEs or tools you want to use to begin your web development venture. Go ahead and download the software of your choice, look on the company website for instructions and support. You can also go on YouTube, if the software you wish to download does not already have a video about it on company websites to guide you. If you want to try the installation yourself, we are confident that you will be able to pull it off. Most software installations are quite easy, especially Open Source tools. By design, the makers of the specific software you have downloaded will want you to start using it straight way. However, there may be different steps for installing your version on certain environments, example of this is a personal computer versus a server box; the website may have available the proper documentation. We suggest that go through all three sections (Downloads, Reference, Installation) thoroughly to benefit from all of the instructions.

Software Development - Front-End[PDF] or[Web] Document
Software Development - Back-End[PDF] or[Web] Document
Software Development - Security[PDF] or[Web] Document

Make sure configuration steps are followed

If you are lucky, the software you downloaded and installed is pre-configured, or the level of configuration you need is light. In most cases, you have to do some of the leg work to get your environment to work as designed and to give you the best shot at success using it. If you need help, visit the company's website to read about recommendations on how to properly configure your software for first use. Without a doubt, there are steps on the website you need to take to configure your environment to get the best results. If a piece of software is poorly documented or there is no documentation from the company (which is highly improbable), you can also find online help from developers.

It is a good idea to join a community or forum that targets the software you downloaded/installed. You may be required to sign up and get an account in order to post questions. Search their question/answer posts and articles first, some work may have already been posted about your issue. Go ahead, ask questions if you need to, so you can get the support you need to manage your environment and start programming.

For more on Configuration information, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks

Eclipse is an IDE used in computer programming. It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment. Eclipse is written mostly in Java and its primary use is for developing Java applications, but it may also be used to develop applications in other programming languages via plug-ins, including Ada, ABAP, C, C++, C#, Clojure, COBOL, D, Erlang, Fortran, Groovy, Haskell, JavaScript, Julia,[7] Lasso, Lua, NATURAL, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Python, R, Ruby (including Ruby on Rails framework), Rust, Scala, and Scheme

Eclipse Workspace Tips

When you start Eclipse you are asked to indicate a workspace directory. The workspace is a directory on the disk where the Eclipse platform and all the installed plug-ins store preferences, configurations and temporary information. Subsequent Eclipse invocations will use this storage to restore the previous state. As the name suggests, it is your "space of work". It defines your area of interest during an Eclipse session.

In a workspace you define projects that reference your disk resources. You don't have to move source files into the workspace. And projects don't import or copy source files into the workspace. Instead projects point to any folder or files on your disk.

We don't recommend keeping source code files in the workspace.

Each time you start Eclipse you can create a new workspace directory or indicate an existing one. You can create many workspaces, each one dedicated to some activity. You may use one workspace for developing your current project and another for maintaining the previous one. If the two activities are unrelated, in doing so you minimize clutter and improve performance by using two workspaces. You can launch several Eclipse applications in parallel, but one workspace can be used only by one Eclipse instance that locks it (/.metadata/.lock). If you try to use an workspace already in use by an existing Eclipse instance, you'll be signaled "Workspace in use or cannot be created, choose a different one". You can switch at anytime to another workspace from menu File > Switch Workspace..., but launching different Eclipse for different workspaces is common practice.

Continue reading more about Eclipse Workstapce in the Reference section on the Eclipse Foundation website: https://help.eclipse.org/2020-03/index.jsp

Opening perspectives

Perspectives provide combinations of views and editors that are suited to performing a particular set of tasks. For example, you would normally open the Debug perspective to debug a Java program.

To open a new perspective:

Click the Open Perspective button Open Perspective button on the shortcut bar on the left side of the Workbench window. (This provides the same function as the Window > Perspective > Open Perspective menu on the menu bar.) To see a complete list of perspectives, select Other... from the drop-down menu. Select the perspective that you want to open.

When the perspective opens, the title bar of the window it is in changes to display the name of the perspective. In addition, an icon is added to the shortcut bar, allowing you to quickly switch back to that perspective from other perspectives in the same window.

By default, a perspective will open in the same window. If you would rather it opened in a new window, change the setting in the command link General > Perspectives preference page.

Continue reading about Perspectives in the Reference section on the Eclipse Foundation website: https://help.eclipse.org/2020-03/index.jsp

Oracle JDeveloper is a freeware IDE supplied by Oracle Corporation. It offers features for development in Java, XML, SQL and PL/SQL, HTML, JavaScript, BPEL and PHP. JDeveloper covers the full development lifecycle from design through coding, debugging, optimization and profiling to deploying.

Oracle JDeveloper Configuration

When you run JDeveloper for the first time, it loads a default profile role; the JDeveloper environment can be tailored based on the role you select. The modified environment removes unneeded items from JDeveloper, including menus, preferences, New Gallery, and even individual fields on dialogs. The JDeveloper role you select determines which technologies and options are available to you as you work in JDeveloper. While loading though, if you had a prior Oracle JDeveloper version installed, JDeveloper will prompt you. As JDeveloper loads, the Migrate User Settings prompt may display. If it does and you are not sure whether to migrate settings, you should click No.

Install the Fusion Apps Development Environment extension bundle

An all-encompassing JDeveloper bundle that is specific for Oracle Fusion Applications. To install this bundle:

-Select Help > Check for Updates.

-Click Next past the Welcome dialog.

-If the Proxy Setup dialog displays, enter the applicable information for your situation

-Ignore any error messages that might be displayed when you click the Test Proxy button.

-Click OK.

-Unselect any marked Update Centers.

-Click Add to display the Update Center dialog

-Enter a name for the new Update Center, such as Oracle Fusion Applications Update Center.

-Click Browse to locate and select the fusion_apps_update_center.xml file. The location of this file in on the Oracle Fusion Applications Companion 11g ( disk in the fusion_apps_extensions directory, or on a shared directory provided by the administrator.

-Click Open.

-Click OK.

-Select the newly-defined Update Center

-Note that only the new Update Center should be selected.

-Click Next to display the Updates dialog

-Select the Fusion Apps Development Environment extension bundle. The other bundles automatically will be selected.

-Click Next to display the Download dialog and start the download

-When the download finishes, the Summary dialog

-Click Finish. If you are using JDeveloper on a Linux system

-Click Yes to exit JDeveloper.


If you are using JDeveloper on Windows the prompt will ask if you want to restart JDeveloper. If you click Yes, JDeveloper is automatically restarted.

Restart JDeveloper, selecting either the Oracle Fusion Applications Developer role or the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator Customization role. The restart results in installing the extension bundles that were downloaded.

Continue reading about Oracle JDeveloper environment configuration in: Setting Up Your Development Environment

Welcome to Visual Studio! In this version, it's easy to choose and install just the features you need. And because of its reduced minimum footprint, it installs quickly and with less system impact. Visual Studio is available for Windows and Mac. Visual Studio for Mac has many of the same features as Visual Studio 2019, and is optimized for developing cross-platform and mobile apps. This article focuses on the Windows version of Visual Studio 2019. There are three editions of Visual Studio 2019: Community, Professional, and Enterprise. See Compare Visual Studio editions to learn about which features are supported in each edition.

Visual Studio Environment Configuration

You can personalize Visual Studio in various ways to best support your own development style and requirements. Many of your settings roam with you across Visual Studio instances. When you sign in to Visual Studio on multiple computers using the same personalization account, your settings can be synchronized across the computers. By default, the following settings are synchronized. Development settings. You select a collection of settings the first time you open Visual Studio, but you can change the selection anytime. Visit this page for more on Synchronized settings. This article briefly describes different personalizations and where you can find more information. You can choose a default collection of settings that optimizes Visual Studio for your type of development.

General environment options

Many personalization options are exposed through the Environment Options dialog box. There are two ways to access this dialog box:

-On the menu bar, choose Tools > Options, and if it's not already expanded, expand the Environment node.

-Press Ctrl+Q, type environment in the search box, and then choose Environment > General from the results.

Environment color themes

To change the color theme between light, dark and blue, type environment in the search box, and then choose Environment > General. In the Options dialog box, change the Color theme option. To change colorization options in the editor, type environment in the search box, and then choose Environment > Fonts and Colors. See How to: Change fonts and colors.

Window layouts

You can define and save multiple window layouts and switch between them. For example, you can define one layout for coding and one for debugging. To arrange window positions and behavior and save custom layouts, see Customize window layouts.

External tools

You can customize the Tools menu to launch external tools.

Continue reading about customizing the Tools menu in: Manage external tools

Main menu casing
You can change the main menu casing between Title Case ("File") and All Caps ("FILE"). Type environment in the search box, select Environment > General, and then change the Apply title case styling to menu bar option.

Customize menus and toolbars
You can customize Visual Studio not only by adding and removing toolbars and menus on the menu bar, but also by adding and removing commands on any given toolbar or menu.

Add, remove, or move a menu on the menu bar

-On the menu bar, choose Tools > Customize. The Customize dialog box opens.

-On the Commands tab, leave the Menu bar option button selected, leave Menu Bar selected in the list next to that option, and then perform one of the following sets of steps:

-To add a menu, choose the Add New Menu button, choose the Modify Selection button, and then name the menu that you want to add.

-To remove a menu, choose it in the Controls list, and then choose the Delete button.

-To move a menu within the menu bar, choose the menu in the Controls list, and then choose the Move Up or Move Down button.

Add, remove, or move a toolbar

-On the menu bar, choose Tools > Customize. The Customize dialog box opens.

-On the Toolbar tab, perform one of the following sets of steps:

-To add a toolbar, choose the New button, specify a name for the toolbar that you want to add, and then choose the OK button.

Continue reading about customizing menus and toolbars in the following article: How to Customize menus and toolbars in Visual Studio
Software Development - Code[PDF] or[Web] Document
Software Development - Design[PDF] or[Web] Document
Software Development - Test[PDF] or[Web] Document

Make several copies of your programming files

You will find that it is super important to make more than two copies of your programming code or design- Your processes change from time to time, and you may need to combine code and design to arrive at a final, preferred, and working version. You can also use a versioning product to help you seamlessly save copies without doing this manually.

For more on Java Programming in Eclipse, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks

Eclipse is an IDE used in computer programming. It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment. Eclipse is written mostly in Java and its primary use is for developing Java applications, but it may also be used to develop applications in other programming languages via plug-ins, including Ada, ABAP, C, C++, C#, Clojure, COBOL, D, Erlang, Fortran, Groovy, Haskell, JavaScript, Julia,[7] Lasso, Lua, NATURAL, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Python, R, Ruby (including Ruby on Rails framework), Rust, Scala, and Scheme

Java Programming in Eclipse

You most likely read previous sections about the Eclipse IDE and the variety of programming languages that can be run on this platform. We are going to use Java as an example language to program in your version of the Eclipse software. This should give you a pretty good idea how to use the environment for other languages. Obviously, if you wish to skip Java and try a language of choice, you should visit the Eclipse Foundation website for information pertaining to all languages available at your disposal.

Preparing Eclipse

In this section, you will verify that Eclipse is properly set up for Java development.

The following is assumed:

  • (1) You are starting with a new Eclipse installation with default settings.
  • (2) You are familiar with the basic Eclipse workbench mechanisms, such as views and perspectives.
  • (3) If you're not familiar with the basic workbench mechanisms, please see the Getting Started chapter of the Workbench User Guide.

Verifying JRE installation and classpath variables

  • (1) If you still see the Eclipse Welcome page, click the arrow icon to begin using Eclipse.
  • (2) Select the menu item Goto workbench preferences Window > Preferences... to open the workbench preferences.
  • (3) Select the Goto the installed JREs preference page Java > Installed JREs preference page to display the installed Java Runtime Environments. Confirm that a JRE has been detected. By default, the JRE used to run the workbench will be used to build and run Java programs. It should appear with a checkmark in the list of installed JREs. We recommend that you use a Java SDK instead of a JRE. An SDK is designed for development and contains the source code for the Java library, easing debugging. Additional SDKs can be added by searching the hard drive for installed SDKs. To do so, simply click the Search... button and specify a root folder for the search.
  • If you work with code that does not yet use generics (as we do in this tutorial), we recommend that you install a Java SDK 1.4 as well, but leave the most recent version checked as default.

    Continue reading about running Java in Eclipse in the Java development guide section, from Eclipse Foundation:https://help.eclipse.org/2020-03/index.jsp?nav=%2F1

    Oracle JDeveloper is a freeware IDE supplied by Oracle Corporation. It offers features for development in Java, XML, SQL and PL/SQL, HTML, JavaScript, BPEL and PHP. JDeveloper covers the full development lifecycle from design through coding, debugging, optimization and profiling to deploying.

    ADF/JSF Programming in Oracle JDeveloper

    JDeveloper provides several tools and features for developing applications. You can use these features to effectively build, test, run, and deploy your application. These features include, different types of window for managing and working with different object types and resources associated with applications, projects, and files. Several visual and code editing tools to facilitate the task of creating different types of source documents. The editors are integrated with other windows in the IDE, thus drag and drop operations and simultaneous, automatic updates among the various integrated tools are supported. Tools to simplify the task of testing and analyzing source code, processes, and application modules or packages.

    How to Create an Application

    The application is the highest level in the control structure. It is a view of all the objects you need while you are working. An application keeps track of all your projects while you develop programs. You can either create an application with a specific feature scope, or create a custom application that contains a single project that can customized to include any features.

    Create a new application with a specific feature scope

    -Open the New Gallery by choosing File > New.

    -In the New Gallery, in the Categories tree, under General, select Applications.

    -In the Items list, double-click the application type you want to create.

    -In the Create Application dialog, enter application details like the name and directory. For help with the wizard, press F1.

    -Click Next to open the Project Name page, where you can optionally provide details for your project.

    -When you are done, click Finish.

    Create a new custom application

    -Open the New Gallery by choosing File > New.

    -In the New Gallery, in the Categories tree, under General, select Applications.

    -In the Items list, double-click Custom Application. The Create Custom Application wizard opens.

    -In the Create Custom Application dialog, enter application details like the name and directory. For help with the wizard, press F1.

    -Click Next to open the Project Name page, where you can optionally provide details for your project.

    -When you are done, click Finish.

    How to Create a Project

    A project is a logical container for a set of files that defines a JDeveloper program or portion of a program. You can either create a project that is preconfigured with a specific set of features.

    Create a new project with a specific feature scope

    -In the Applications window, select the application within which the project will appear.

    -Click the Application Menu icon, and select New Project to open the Projects page of the New Gallery.

    -In the Items list, double-click the project type you want to create.

    -Complete the Create Project wizard, and click Finish. For help on the wizard, press F1.

    -The new project appears in the Applications window. It inherits whatever default properties you have already set. To alter project properties for this project, either double-click the filename or right-click and choose Project Properties.

    Create a New Custom Project

    -In the Applications window, open the application that will contain the new project.

    -Click the Application Menu icon, and select New Project to open the Projects page of the New Gallery.

    -Under Items, select Custom Project.

    -Click OK.

    Continue reading about creating and application or project in: Getting Started with Developing Applications with Oracle JDeveloper

    Welcome to Visual Studio! In this version, it's easy to choose and install just the features you need. And because of its reduced minimum footprint, it installs quickly and with less system impact. Visual Studio is available for Windows and Mac. Visual Studio for Mac has many of the same features as Visual Studio 2019, and is optimized for developing cross-platform and mobile apps. This article focuses on the Windows version of Visual Studio 2019. There are three editions of Visual Studio 2019: Community, Professional, and Enterprise. See Compare Visual Studio editions to learn about which features are supported in each edition.

    CSharp Programming in Visual Studio

    You must have Visual Studio 2019 installed and the ASP.NET and web development workload. If you haven't already installed Visual Studio, go to the Visual Studio downloads page to install it for free. You must have the IIS Web Server role correctly installed, this is required to generate the publish settings file (*.publishsettings) when you are ready to deploy your Visual Studio Web App. Either ASP.NET 4.5 or ASP.NET Core must also be installed in your environment, your Windows Computer or Enterprise Server. First, you'll create a ASP.NET Core project. The project type comes with all the template files you'll need for a fully functional website, before you've even added anything!

    Create a new ASP.NET project in Visual Studio

    -On the computer running Visual Studio, create a new project.

    Choose the correct template. In this example, choose either ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) or (for C# only) ASP.NET Core Web Application, and then click OK.

    If you don't see the specified project templates, click the Open Visual Studio Installer link in the left pane of the New Project dialog box. The Visual Studio Installer launches. Install the ASP.NET and web development workload.

    The project template you choose (ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core) must correspond to the version of ASP.NET installed on the web server. Next, choose C# from the Language list, and then choose Windows from the Platform list. After you apply the language and platform filters, choose the ASP.NET Core Web Application template, and then choose Next.

    -Choose either MVC (.NET Framework) or Web Application (Model-View-Controller) (for .NET Core), and make sure that No Authentication is selected, and then click OK.

    -In the Configure your new project window, type or enter MyCoreApp in the Project name box. Then, choose Create.

    -In the Create a new ASP.NET Core Web Application window, verify that ASP.NET Core 3.0 appears in the top drop-down menu. Then, choose Web Application, which includes example Razor Pages. Next, choose Create.

    Continue reading about CSharp programming in Visual Studio here: See Visual Studio Screenshots and other pertinent information.
Software Development - Local[PDF] or[Web] Document
Software Development - Server[PDF] or[Web] Document
Software Development - Sites[PDF] or[Web] Document

Deploy only if all test are favourable

At this point, you have been able to run your application locally in your environment, and if you provided your App's URL to colleagues within your network (LAN, WAN, etc...), there is a big chance that they were able to view this application in their browser when they ran the URL you sent. However, for your newly developed Web App to be deployed in production, you will need to package the application in question in necessary deployment files onto a web server that has the ability to house certain specific Web App deployment file types.

Since we are dealing with only Eclipe, Oracle JDeveloper, and Microsoft Visual Studio for the time being, we will add pertinent information about each software in this document to guide you. In the near future, we will also introduce Web and Cloud-based App development and deployment, such as Ajax, HTML5, jQuery, PHP, etc, and the steps to take to successfully bring these Apps from development, testing, to deployment. We will take an in-depth look at the difference that exists between Entrerprise and Web-based or Cloud-based Web App development.

For the Eclipse software, you likely set up a web server to view your web application in your browser via a URL, one of which you might have provided to someone to help test your software. This web server though may be local only to your machine, you are without a doubt going to need to run an instance of a web server in an Enterprise environment to house your completed/ready Web App for production. Normally a .war or .ear file is deployed to the web server of your choice. Once of the most popular web servers being used with Eclipse, as of this writing (2020. is Apache Tomcat. We are including some of the steps to succfessfully deploying a Java Web App in Eclipse to Apache Tomcat below.

With Oracle JDeveloper, you can as well send your friends an Oracle Fusion Middleware URL containing a Java Server Faces(JSF) or Application Development Framework(ADF) file to run in their browser. Provided your recipients are within your network, they would certainly be able to view your newly developed Web App at their end; this is made possible by your local Integrated WebLogic Server running within Oracle JDeveloper. When you are ready for your App to be deployed in production, on an Enterprise Oracle WebLogic Server instance, you can follow the proper steps. Depending on the application, namely a JSF or ADF, a .ear file or MAR profile is created to be deployed to the server. Information about deploying an application to WebLogic will be included below for your convenience.

Lastly, in Visual Studio, you might have heard of IIS (Internet Information Services), a web server built into an existing Microsoft Operating System that you can use to launch Enterprise Visual Studio Web Apps. By enabling the features through your control panel, you will have the ability to load the IIS settings to configure the environment for your web applications. IIS can be run locally, and a connection to it is made available in the current version of Visual Studio 2019. As you may have guessed, if you need to deploy an Enterprise Visual Studio application to production, you will need to enable the same features performed in your local environment, in a server environment; the process in this case is to deploy your application using a publish settings file (.publishsettings). For additional information about how to setup and configure IIS to deploy your application either for development, testing, or production, keep reading.

For more on Deployment, click here: Journal Entries, eBooks

Eclipse is an IDE used in computer programming. It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment. Eclipse is written mostly in Java and its primary use is for developing Java applications, but it may also be used to develop applications in other programming languages via plug-ins, including Ada, ABAP, C, C++, C#, Clojure, COBOL, D, Erlang, Fortran, Groovy, Haskell, JavaScript, Julia,[7] Lasso, Lua, NATURAL, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Python, R, Ruby (including Ruby on Rails framework), Rust, Scala, and Scheme

Eclipse Deployment in Apache Tomcat

Apache Tomcat is a very popular web server/servlet container that can host Java web applications which are made up of servlets, Java Server Pages(JSP), Java Server Faces(JSF), in the realm of dynamic content. Tomcat also hosts static content, HTML pages, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets(CSS), images, videos. This article describes the most common way to deploy a Java web application on Tomcat. A well-known process of deploying a Java App on Apache Tomcat includes the following:

-Copying the 'web application archive' file (.war).

-Copying the unpacked web application directory.

-Using Tomcat’s application manager.

Working to deploy of Java web applications on Apache Tomcat

Suppose you have Tomcat installed on your development environment, personal computer or server instance, and you have read/write permission on Tomcat’s installation directory, what you need to know before begin is:

You should prepare yourself to have a strong grasp of the following

-$CATALINA_HOME: is an environment variable that points to the directory where you installed Tomcat. For example, c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0 on Windows.

-$CATALINA_BASE: is an environment variable that points to the directory of a particular instance of Tomcat (if you configure multiple instances of Tomcat). If this variable is not set explicitly, then it will be assigned the same value as $CATALINA_HOME.

-Web applications are put under $CATALINA_HOME\webapps directory.

-Document root: is the top-level directory of a web application, where all the resources (JSP pages, HTLM pages, Java classes, images…) that constitute that application are placed.

-Context path: is the name which is relative to the server’s address (i.e http://localhost) and represents the name of the web application. For example, if your web application is listed under $CATALINA_HOME\webapps\MyWeb directory, it will be accessed by the URL http://localhost/MyWeb, and its context path is /MyWeb.

-WAR: is an extension of a file that packs a web application directory hierarchy in zip format. WAR stands for Web Archive. Java web applications are usually packed in WAR files for deployment. WAR files can be created by command line or an IDE like Eclipse.

-You must have a strong understanding of how a Java web application is organized in terms of directory layout and hierarchy structure.

-JAR libraries, which are shared among web applications, are put under $CATALINA_HOME\lib directory. Application-specific JAR libraries are put under web application’s WEB-INF\lib directory.

Copying Java web application archive files

In this method, the web application is packed as a WAR file. You may generate the WAR file using a tool or the Eclipse IDE.

-Copy the WAR file into $CATALINA_HOME\webapps directory.

-Restart the Apache Tomcat server. When Tomcat is restarted, it will unpack the WAR file it found in the webapps directory and launch the application in that manner.

-Note: Later if you want to update changes for the application, you must replace both the WAR file and the application’s unpacked directory by deleting them- and then restart Tomcat.

Continue reading about other methods to deploying Java Web Apps, in Eclipse using Apache Tomcat here, Courtesy: Code Java | Modified by: Dököll Solutions, Inc.

Oracle JDeveloper is a freeware IDE supplied by Oracle Corporation. It offers features for development in Java, XML, SQL and PL/SQL, HTML, JavaScript, BPEL and PHP. JDeveloper covers the full development lifecycle from design through coding, debugging, optimization and profiling to deploying.

Oracle JDeveloper Deployment

Running and Deploying Applications on Oracle WebLogic Server: This chapter provides a basic overview of the Oracle WebLogic Server environment and information about how to run your applications on Integrated WebLogic Server. It also provides information about how to deploy your applications to the Administration Server instance of WebLogic Server for the purpose of performing end-to end testing of new applications. If you are deploying customizations or extensions, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.

Prerequisites for Deployment

-Before you deploy an application, you should perform the following tasks:

-You must run the Configure Fusion Domain Wizard to set up the Integrated WebLogic Server domain or create a property file to be used to set up the standalone WebLogic Server domain. For instructions, see Chapter 2, "Setting Up Your Development Environment."

-If you want more debugging output, set the environment variable using one of the shell commands as shown in Example 53-1, before starting the Administration Server instance of WebLogic Server or before starting JDeveloper if you are going to run Integrated WebLogic Server.

Setting Environment Variable

-# For csh shell

-setenv JAVA_OPTIONS "$JAVA_OPTIONS -Djbo.debugoutput=console"


-# For bash shell

-export JAVA_OPTIONS="$JAVA_OPTIONS -Djbo.debugoutput=console"

You must disable the Auto Generate and Synchronize weblogic-jdbc.xml Descriptors During Deployment option to use the Global Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) datasource. To do this, open Application Properties and choose the Deployment category as shown in Figure 53-1. Unselect the Auto Generate and Synchronize weblogic-jdbc.xml Descriptors During Deployment option and click OK.

Introduction to the Standalone Administration Server WebLogic Server Instance

A Weblogic Server instance is a configured instance to host applications, such as Web applications, Enterprise applications, and Web services, and resources, such as Java Message Service (JMS), and JDBC, Diagnostics. There are two types of WebLogic Server instances: Administration Server and Managed Server.

-The Administration Server instance is the central configuration controller for the entire domain. Its purpose is to:

-Host the Administration Console.

-Enable you to start and stop the servers from a central location.

-Enable you to migrate servers and services within the domain.

-Enable you to deploy applications within the domain.

Running Applications on Integrated WebLogic Server

Integrated WebLogic Server is a single server that is included within JDeveloper. You can run your applications directly on this server without needing to deploy. Integrated WebLogic Server is sufficient to run your application to make sure it displays correctly in browsers, or for testing and debugging portions of the application. However, real end-to-end testing should be done in an Administration Server instance of WebLogic Server because that is what will be used in a production environment.


You cannot use Integrated WebLogic Server to run SOA applications. You must deploy SOA applications to a standalone WebLogic Server instance. For more information, see Section 53.5, "Deploying Your SOA Projects to an Administration Server Instance of WebLogic Server."

How to Deploy an Application with Metadata to Integrated WebLogic Server

When an application is running in Integrated WebLogic Server, the Metadata Archive (MAR) profile itself will not be deployed to a repository. Instead, a simulated Oracle Metadata Services (MDS) repository will be configured for the application that reflects the metadata information contained in the MAR. This metadata information is simulated and the application runs based on their location in source control.

Any customizations or documents created by the application are written to this simulated MDS repository directory. You can keep the default location for this directory or you can set it to a different directory. You also have the option to preserve customizations across different application runs or to delete the customizations before each application run.

Before you begin, you must first create your MAR deployment profile. For information about how to create a MAR deployment profile, see Section 53.3.2, "How to Create Deployment Profiles for Standalone WebLogic Server Deployment".

Deploy a MAR deployment profile to Integrated WebLogic Server

-Go to the Application Navigator, right-click the application and select Application Properties.

-In the Application Properties dialog, expand Run and choose MDS.

-In the Run MDS page:

-Select the MAR profile from the MAR Profile dropdown list.

-Enter a directory path in Override Location if you want to customize the location of the simulated repository.

-Select the Directory Content option. You can choose to preserve the customizations across application runs or delete customizations before each run.

Continue reading about Oracle JDeveloper application deployment to the Integrated Development Server and the Adminstration Server Instance in: Introduction to Deploying Applications to Oracle WebLogic Server

Welcome to Visual Studio! In this version, it's easy to choose and install just the features you need. And because of its reduced minimum footprint, it installs quickly and with less system impact. Visual Studio is available for Windows and Mac. Visual Studio for Mac has many of the same features as Visual Studio 2019, and is optimized for developing cross-platform and mobile apps. This article focuses on the Windows version of Visual Studio 2019. There are three editions of Visual Studio 2019: Community, Professional, and Enterprise. See Compare Visual Studio editions to learn about which features are supported in each edition.

Visual Studio Deployment

You can use the Publish tool to import publish settings and then deploy your app. In this article, we use publish settings for IIS, but you can use similar steps to import publish settings for Azure App Service. In some scenarios, use of a publish settings profile can be faster than manually configuring deployment to IIS for each installation of Visual Studio. These steps apply to ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, and .NET Core apps in Visual Studio.

In this tutorial, you will:

-Configure IIS so that you can generate a publish settings file

-Create a publish settings file

-Import the publish settings file into Visual Studio

-Deploy the app to IIS

A publish settings file (*.publishsettings) is different than a publishing profile (*.pubxml) created in Visual Studio. A publish settings file is created by IIS or Azure App Service, or it can be manually created, and then it can be imported into Visual Studio.


If you just need to copy a Visual Studio publishing profile (*.pubxml file) from one installation of Visual Studio to another, you can find the publishing profile, .pubxml, in the \\Properties\PublishProfiles folder for managed project types. For websites, look under the \App_Data folder. The publishing profiles are MSBuild XML files.

Create the publish settings file in IIS on Windows Server

-Close and reopen the IIS Management Console to show updated configuration options in the UI.

-In IIS, right-click the Default Web Site, choose Deploy > Configure Web Deploy Publishing.

-In the Configure Web Deploy Publishing dialog box, examine the settings.

-Click Setup.

-In the Results panel, the output shows that access rights are granted to the specified user, and that a file with a .publishsettings file extension has been generated in the location shown in the dialog box.

Depending on your Windows environment and IIS configuration, you see different values in the XML file. Here are a few details about the values that you see:

-The msdeploy.axd file referenced in the publishUrl attribute is a dynamically generated HTTP handler file for Web Deploy. (For testing purposes, http://myhostname:8172 generally works as well.)

-The publishUrl port is set to port 8172, which is the default for Web Deploy.

-The destinationAppUrl port is set to port 80, which is the default for IIS.

-If you are unable to connect to the remote host in Visual Studio using the host name (in later steps), test the IP address in place of the host name.

-Copy this file to the computer where you are running Visual Studio.

Import the publish settings in Visual Studio and deploy

-On the computer where you have the ASP.NET project open in Visual Studio, right-click the project in Solution Explorer, and choose Publish.

-If you have previously configured any publishing profiles, the Publish pane appears. Click Create new profile.

-In the Pick a publish target dialog box, click Import Profile.

-Navigate to the location of the publish settings file that you created in the previous section.

-In the Import Publish Settings File dialog box, navigate to and select the profile that you created in the previous section, and click Open.

Visual Studio begins the deployment process, and the Output window shows progress and results.

If you get an any deployment errors, click Settings to edit settings. Modify settings and click Validate to test new settings. If the host name is not found, try the IP address instead of the host name in the Server and Destination URL fields.

After the app deploys successfully, it should start automatically. If it does not start from Visual Studio, start the app in IIS. For ASP.NET Core, you need to make sure that the Application pool field for the DefaultAppPool is set to No Managed Code.

Next steps

In this tutorial, you created a publish settings file, imported it into Visual Studio, and deployed an ASP.NET app to IIS. You may want an overview of other publishing options in Visual Studio.

Continue reading about Visual Studio Web App Deployment on IIS here: View Screenshots and other pertinent deployment information.

Software Configuation, Programming, and Deployment:

A fully-configured software enviroment will save you time and effort so you can begin the development of your software programs straight away. You next application development success depends upon how well you are able to use the software without limitations. The software may be designed to help you do your job if you use it to its full pontential.

By following proper instructions to install and configure your new environment the benefits could be endless; especially if the software or tool you installed allows for rapid application development. Some software facilitates connecting your application to a local or external database seamlessly, and you may be able to debug or preview your application at a push of a button within the environment.

If your software is not working as designed or advertised, you may have to either refer to the software manual, installation, and configuration materials to bring yourself up to speed or you could need to unistall and re-install the software to start over; provided you have a copy of the software, as discussed in prior sections, your salvation depends upon your ability to bring your environment back online quickly.

Program by Example:

Cut and Paste all code, design snippets, or complete application samples and run them in your environment to see what they do, modify them to your needs or turn them into something truly special.

Keywords: XPath

Courtesy: Döcu Content - See more Cut & Paste here...

Green Coding Habits

Make your work count, add comments and instructions to your code, thoroughly test your samples before submission (mention what may still need additional testing), try not to be a litter bug in your community or forum, help save time and effort. Be Green! After all, what is the purpose of your submission if it cannot be used or comprehended. Might be a good idea to also mention, or at least give credits to works being used in your submissions.