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WordPress Content Management Programming: Blogs, Themes, Plugins setup and PHP Development

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WordPress Development

WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. But in non-geek speak, it's probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today.

Related Info: Drupal + Joomla

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WordPress Content Management: Blogs, Themes, Plugins setup and PHP Development

WordPress is the leading open source software available to developers to install, modify, and distribute free of charge. It is known for its simplicity and user-friendly interface. It’s easy to get started, especially with one-click installations offered by many hosting providers. Originally, WordPress was a blogging platform, it does still offer the best features for blogging, making it ideal for content creation, similarly to Joomla, but some developers might argue that WordPress is better for blogging. It is also known for its user-friendly development platform among bloggers, startups, and small businesses. It offers a vast collection of themes and plugins, allowing users to easily customize their sites. Generally, WordPress is considered the best choice for those without technical or coding skills. Developers do not really need to be excellent in PHP but it is certainly welcomed to know enough PHP to customize WordPress websites for clients who may want their personalized sites to be built from scratch.

Why Developers Choose WordPress over other CMS options?

Wordpress makes available block editors that simplify content creation, allowing developers to build pages and posts by using drag-and-drop blocks into specific locations on their pages. Most blocks are developed by other WordPress developers, they may sometimes be included in the specific themes developers use to create their WordPress websites. But they are easy to be edit and customaizable. However, when it comes to custom blocks, those that are coded from scratch, we believe that there is on CMS that has an edge over WordPress and that CMS is Drupal. For its ability to give developers complete control of block creation from the ground up, using YAML and PHP, we think developers can be more granular with custom blocks. With Drupal, developers can create custom content types tailored to specific site needs. This flexibility is especially useful for complex websites. It also is a matter of choice, developers may prefer WordPress over Drupal regardless of the features of Drupal. For developers who need more straightforward website development without a learning curve, WordPress will most likely be the more intuitive option.

Secure, Customizable and Scalable Platform

WordPress has a focus on security, with regular updates to safeguard your website. Obviously, developers need to keep up with frequent updates or upgrades to keep the environment up-to-date. Regular updates of WordPress may not catch every bad actors everytime but at least developers have a better chance that the platform will remain strong with every iteration. Besides, all developers want to do is to create beautiful and secure websites, right? Keeping up with regular patches is part of the job. Patches include updating and updrading themes and plugins, the inner workings of WordPress. With thousands of themes and plugins, WordPress is highly customizable and scalable. As developers scale to more advanced websites, themes and plugins should be patched on a weekly basis. To that end, developers should continue to be very-well informed about the WordPress environment, not only about how to safeguard their sites, but also how to keep it fresh for their clients. Speaking of keeping WordPress sites fresh, it is also standard practice that if developers are going to write PHP code to customize WordPress websites that they write industry standard PHP code. As one example, some MySQL database query statements may be obsolete or may have deprecated. As developers customize WordPress to satisfy client needs, they should pay attention to code that may hinder and harm their sites. One particular query method that comes to my when working MySQL database values is PDO (PHP Data Objects). It is a powerful extension in PHP that provides a consistent interface for interacting with databases. It allows developers to connect to multiple database systems, but we will keep the focus on MySQL. PDO query use prepared statements (parameterized queries) to avoid SQL injection. It uses placeholders (:param_name) and bind values securely, etcetera, these are some of the safeguards that developers need to be aware of when writing PHP code to customize or enhance WordPress websites. For additional PDO query information, visit our PHP and MySQL page.

eCommerce and SEO Ready

WordPress can be used for a variety of websites, from personal static or information-based sites like a professional résumé and educational archives, blogs and portfolios, to eCommerce and business sites. With plugins like WooCommerce and others, WordPress is perfect for creating an online store. If developers choose a WooCommerce plugin to build their online stores, they will have the ability to create products either right from their WordPress installation or through WooCommerce settings. Developers can benefit from a vast array of plugins that help them choose payment gateways that they prefer to use, from PayPal, Stripe, Square, among others. WordPress plugins also allow developers to add almost any functionality to their sites, from SEO tools to security enhancements. Its sites tend to rank well on search engines due to their clean PHP code and SEO-friendly features. It has a strong community support that is actively offering help, resources, and updates to other developers.

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Download in computer networks, means to receive data from a remote system, typically a server, such as a web server, an FTP server, an email server, or other similar systems. This contrasts with uploading, where data is sent to a remote server. A download is a file offered for downloading or that has been downloaded, or the process of receiving such a file.

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