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Front-end Application Development in ASP.NET, GoDaddy, WordPress and Drupal

Research, Learn, and Share your knowledge, Contribute to society and be part of a Network. Make use of Open Source and Free to use software and re-submit to your community or forum

Portfolio Development

Portfolio, in application development terms, relates to, denotes a collection of targeted and personalized templates or patterns that involves a succession of short-term contracts and part-time work building or creating App, Web, and Mobile development code and design for individuals or companies, as proof of mastery to educate prospective customers in the specific area of expertise, thereby stimulate and invite new/future services.

Related Info: Back-End Design | Basic Programs | Site Samples

Front-end Application Development in ASP.NET, GoDaddy, WordPress and Drupal

Site News:

Benefit from our Referral program, Send friends and family to our Membership page. At new sign up, receive compensation, Free App Samples, Code, Design, etc... Download the Referral form to get started. Contact us if you have questions.

Translate Content

Translate contents of this webpage using the Google Translate plugin, available by selecting the drowpdown below... Google Translate is a multilingual neural machine translation service developed by Google, to translate text, documents and websites from one language into another

Main Portfolio Content is a collection of existing/working application samples that can be downloaded to own development or production environments.

Front-end Application Development in ASP.NET, GoDaddy, WordPress and Drupal

Use the links below to navigate through available Application Front-ends in ASP.NET, GoDaddy, Drupal and WordPress. The application types are documented extensively and are showcased in the "Portfolio Carousel" seen above.

Currently, the Portfolio items shown in the page's carousel point additional details about each application platform or environment. You will have the ability the review the information, give it a grade, or if interested, you can also place an order to receive the application type that you prefer.

Most application types contained in this Portfolio page have a piece of documentation attached, that can be downloaded after you place an order. Please feel free to contact us if you need our assistance.

Scroll to View/Download Additional Portfolio Items...

Content Resources:

We invite you to use all of the resources available on our website. We hope you will find downloadable samples and tutorials that you can re-engineer in own environments to create applications from scratch. Please contact us with questions, if additional support is needed.

Program by Example:

Cut and Paste all code, design snippets, or complete application samples and run them in your environment to see what they do, modify them to your needs or turn them into something truly special.

Keywords: XPath

Courtesy: Döcu Content - See more Cut & Paste here...

Green Coding Habits

Make your work count, add comments and instructions to your code, thoroughly test your samples before submission (mention what may still need additional testing), try not to be a litter bug in your community or forum, help save time and effort. Be Green! After all, what is the purpose of your submission if it cannot be used or comprehended. Might be a good idea to also mention, or at least give credits to works being used in your submissions.